What we do
All products sold under the brand names

Tea Bags
We are also exporting Tea in the form of tea bags, both soft tagged and hard tag tea bags. We are using high quality Indian Tea Bags, Green Tea Bags, Dust Tea Bags, Flavored Tea Bags, Lipton Tea Organic Tea Bags and PF, hygienically packed.
The filter papers of these bags are utmost hygienic and of good quality. When immersed in hot water even up to 10 hours, it will not break or loosen its strength and identity. We export the tea bags in attractive packets containing tea bags numbering 25, 50, 100, & 200 in each packet. Each tea bag weighs 2 GMS.
Special Tea
We also market special type of Darjeeling tea, known as Golden Leaf Tea, which is especially being exported to European market.
We are members of the Tea board of Calcutta where the auction of Assam and Darjeeling tea takes place. We have our own warehousing and other infrastructural facilities required for blending and packing of tea.